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Your Very Own Fabric Utilization Department

This department should function independently, serving as the vital link between various departments. Its primary purpose is to access raw data and leverage it to optimize consumption and enhance the efficient utilization of both raw materials and available capacity. Over the course of 25 years, I have observed a recurring pattern within companies, particularly regarding cut planning and lay planning procedures.


The Fabric Utilization Department must begin its operations by obtaining order quantities from the Merchandising department and extracting roll information from the warehouse. Subsequently, this department can develop comprehensive cut plans, with the overarching objective of maximizing fabric utilization. This seemingly straightforward and logical process, however, carries significant risks, notably the potential for Bill of Materials (BOMs) to expand and warehouses to become cluttered with unallocated raw materials. It is imperative to emphasize that raw materials account for a substantial portion, up to 80%, of the total garment production cost, contingent on the manufacturing location.


This approach signifies a departure from conventional methods of cut plan and marker production. The key to financial savings or wastage lies precisely here. While every company possesses historical data, it is a rarity to see it actively utilized. This dedicated department will be established with a specific focus on harnessing historical data. Consider it akin to an Industrial Engineering department that calculates Standard Minute Values (SMVs) to dictate production timelines. Similarly, the Fabric Utilization Department will take on the crucial role of dictating appropriate fabric usage.


The overarching principle here is clear: "Only purchase what is necessary and utilize all purchased raw materials." It is time to maximize the potential of your raw materials by reaching out to Fabric Utilization Ltd.


#UtilizingFabricForProfit THROUGH #CuttingExcellence

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