#UtilizingFabricForProfit THROUGH #CuttingExcellence

On-site Evaluation
5 day Evaluation
Service Description
Any project initiated starts with an initial 5 day on site evaluation of the Cutting room and linked front end processes. This includes a meeting with the senior management to assess what they are looking to achieve as well as what my observations throw up. From this evaluation I then draw up a project plan with KPI's and milestones that will include: * Fabric usages (how is the fabric utilized – How are the team managing the RM) * Fabric wastage (what's the actual current process loss because do they know, how is it measured) * Output (current and what can be achieved – What are the opportunities) * Efficiency (measuring the whole cutting room – Is it volume driven or operational to plan) * Headcount (What is the current manning, what are the shift patterns – what opportunities within this area) * Management capabilities (Openness to change, how they control their areas) The above is not definitive as the evaluation and discussions can throw up other areas that connect to the Fabric Utilization & the on the floor operation activities but it is a guide to what I look for. I would then calculate how many days/visits it will take to complete the project I generally work on 10 business day’s visit per trip: Example once agreed the number of days for the project (maybe 60) I would attend for 10 days on site, make the planned changes Give the new processes time to bed in and the staff to understand them before coming back to install the next part of the project (overall 6 x 10 day visits) Next 10 days reset any deviations to the plan that happened when I left (remember that we are working with workforce and the management in parallel) After each visit I provide a milestone update report to each and every stage. Typical results achieved : Project Start: 9 x cutting tables producing 50,000 pieces per day 90 staff over two shifts. Cut to plan = 76% Fabric loss = 4.5% Project Finish: 4 x cutting tables producing 50,000 pieces per day 45 staff over one shift Cut to plan = 99% Fabric loss = 1.8% I would also quantify the value improvements working with the companies own data, this of course is confidential and only used by the contracting company, This becomes the ROI of the project.